Historical Printed Works
The USL Bonn holds a number of historical printed works, incunabula, historical newspapers and literature written by the German diaspora in exile (Exilliteratur).

The USL Bonn holds a number of historical printed works, incunabula, historical newspapers and literature written by the German diaspora in exile.

Collections from historical libraries
Collections acquired from historical libraries since the USL was founded in 1818.

Historical printed works
Despite suffering significant losses during the Second World War, the USL Bonn still holds an estimated 190,000 works published before 1850.

Historical newspapers
The USL Bonn has been collecting newspapers ever since it was established in 1818. Nowadays, historical newspapers from the Rhineland are being digitized and referenced in the Digital Collections.

The incunabula in the Bonn University and State Library were given their own category in 1891. The collection has been referenced in INKA, an electronic catalog of incunabula, since 2004.
- https://www.sammlungen.ulb.uni-bonn.de/de/historische-drucke/exilliteratur/exilliteratur
- https://www.sammlungen.ulb.uni-bonn.de/de/historische-drucke/historische-bibliotheken/historische-bibliotheken
- https://www.sammlungen.ulb.uni-bonn.de/de/historische-drucke/historische-drucke-ausfuehrlich/historische-drucke
- https://www.sammlungen.ulb.uni-bonn.de/de/historische-drucke/historische-zeitungen/historische-zeitungen
- https://www.sammlungen.ulb.uni-bonn.de/de/historische-drucke/inkunabeln/inkunabeln