Hardinge, Charles Stewart: Recollections of India / drawn on stone by J. D. Harding, from the original drawings by Charles Stewart Hardinge, Bd. 1: British India and the Punjab, 1847 (ULB Bonn: PGB 1' 7233 (1.2))Hardinge, Charles Stewart: Recollections of India / drawn on stone by J. D. Harding, from the original drawings by Charles Stewart Hardinge, Bd. 1: British India and the Punjab, 1847 (ULB Bonn: PGB 1' 7233 (1.2)) - https://digitale-sammlungen.ulb.uni-bonn.de/content/titleinfo/1632082https://www.sammlungen.ulb.uni-bonn.de/de/medien-gesamt/medien-historische-drucke/alte_druck4.jpg/viewhttps://www.sammlungen.ulb.uni-bonn.de/de/medien-gesamt/medien-historische-drucke/alte_druck4.jpg/@@images/image-1200-0acb5de707f4344fda61bcb585102299.jpeg
Hardinge, Charles Stewart: Recollections of India / drawn on stone by J. D. Harding, from the original drawings by Charles Stewart Hardinge, Bd. 1: British India and the Punjab, 1847 (ULB Bonn: PGB 1' 7233 (1.2))
Hardinge, Charles Stewart: Recollections of India / drawn on stone by J. D. Harding, from the original drawings by Charles Stewart Hardinge, Bd. 1: British India and the Punjab, 1847 (ULB Bonn: PGB 1' 7233 (1.2)) - https://digitale-sammlungen.ulb.uni-bonn.de/content/titleinfo/1632082